everything looks different from far away

WC: 400+
Sure! Finn isn't very good at big game, anyways.

Finn saw the vaguest of shudders and sighed. She backed up a pace, and watched Sofia with her mild, pale eyes. ”Not had some great experiences here then, hey?” It was a shame, nice wolves deserved to be treated nicely. Finn was all well and fine with being treated like a chew toy, but that was because she deserved it. She was meant to fight, scuffle and otherwise cause problems, and knew that she get a couple bumps and bruises along the way for doing so. That was life, that was the responsibility she’d take for her actions.

Sofia, on the other hand, seemed pretty blameless. Finn couldn’t see her starting fights or insulting someone unless the other wolf involved was itching for a brawl. Her quiet manners and unobtrusiveness was a nice thing. Finn would have gone crazy if she met another wolf like herself. She couldn’t stand herself actually. When push came to shove, Finn would’ve preferred to be someone else. But the cards were dealt, and this was the body she was supposed to lug around the green earth, so she’d make the most of it.

The grey wolf smiled again when Sofia accepted. She seemed a little reluctant, though Finn wasn’t sure if that was because she was still cautious or wanted to be on her way. Inwardly, she shrugged. Inferni wasn’t going to run away any time soon. Neither was Cour des Miracles. So why not try their luck at getting something to eat? She moved onwards the forest, feeling the even deeper shade of the trees spill over her back. In the half dark she was just a silhouette with nearly glowing eyes. It was even worse at night. When the darkness closed in and the stars lit up like distant funeral pyres, Finn felt as if she could just dissolved into nothingness, and the thought scared her silly.

”It’s been a while since I’ve hunted with another wolf.” said Finn, looking back over her shoulder at Sofia. At least over a year, with the last pack she had been thrown from. She hadn’t been the greatest at large game, but that wasn’t the reason she had fled for her life. Finn turned her lamp-like gaze to Alastair, who bobbed his head and moved ahead of them into the forest. ”He draws the bigger prey out,” Finn explained, ”The herbivores think that if a big deer’s walking around like nothing’s wrong, there won’t be any wolves nearby.” It was a great trick, and quite exploitative. Finn was still surprised that Alastair went on with it so willingly.


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