Winter song
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No problem!
Word Count: ---

Their tranquility was broken by a stranger's scent on the wind, and Mew's fingers ceased to move as her nose took charge. Male; stranger; not from Dahlia de Mai. Her pups were oblivious to the male's presence nearby, but Mew rose to stand closer to them. Any stranger showing even a glimmer of hostility would get an unpleasant introduction to her fangs and claws. She had not suffered so much as she had only to give up everything because she was careless. When the male finally came into view she stood ready, her guitar resting behind her against a dead, fallen tree.

He spoke, and neither his voice nor his demeanor was threatening (quite the opposite!), but one could never know. She kept her stance, though her suspicion lessened somewhat, and her voice was calm and pleasant when she replied.
"My music is my own." Not because she had made it, because she hadn't, but because she had come here to be alone with it. "It is a guitar", she said, hand pointing towards it behind her. "I'm glad you like it though." Half a smile was granted the male, before she urged again; "Tell me, what brings you here?" Only when she knew his intention could she know if he was a threat.


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