my soul will soar above the trees
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It was a wonder he hadn't caught death yet, with the way it seemed like it had poured down rain every time he dared to put one foot outside of a magical, invisible threshold somewhere. This time he had been caught out in the open air of the territory, far from the forest to his immediate south and far from the caverns to his immediate north. So by the time Hezekiah had managed to cross that treeless distance from Point A to Point B, he was back to his typical drowned rat appearance.

Nevertheless, he usually wasn't the only one caught out in the elements. The last time he had been fortunate enough to come across Gabriel and this time it was yet another hybrid and one that he didn't recognise. The water had long muddied his ability to detect whether or not they were apart of Inferni from a distance, but Hezekiah didn't think he would have been lounging beneath a tree so close to the stronghold heart of their home if that were the case.

So rather decisively, he approached steadily and with a certain amount of haste when a bright streak of lightning coursed its way across the sky overhead. “Hey,” he called out over the downpour, “is it dry under there?” Well, maybe not dry-dry, but it looked a lot drier than it seemed out where Hezekiah was standing on the fringes of the water-laden boughs.


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