I am the Ooga-Booga Master

OOC: I feel like an asshole, sorry for ignoring this thread. T.T- And I can never win with this damn table. Have any color suggestions as far as the text goes so people can actually read it? and also, this is short, sorries. >.>

BIC: It had seemed that Daisuke had talked just a bit too fast for the male. He didn't mean to talk so fast, it was just the excitement always making him have to talk really really fast, even if the other was majorly confused with him. Whoa, Please take it easy spoke the male. And Daisuke took a deep breath, and just stopped talking for a minute. Its something you could use. the male then spoke, and handed over the flask. Daisuke looked at it, from all angles, trying to figure out what was so special about it. He then took his hand to the top of it, and opened the contraption. His nose was the first thing to tell him that it was a liquid, and it was strong. He flinched away from it before looking back to the male. Why does it smell like that, eh? he asked, calming his voice down, and pronouncing the words slowly and clearly. It wasn't slow enough to suggest that the male was stupid or something, he just was trying to speak without getting all excited and spazzy.

Daisuke noticed that the male wasn't too talkative. It was rather disappointing to him because he had all kinds of questions, and it seemed like the other did not want to even remember half of his questions, much less actually answer them. Though he was happy that he atleast answered one question. But that was after the male had sit down on the sand. Daisuke did not want to be rude, and stand with his guest, so he too sat down, but it was a good distance from the other, facing the boy, but a good arm's-length away from him. Daisuke then looked to the open flask. He was supposed to drink this...strong smelling...liquid? He tried to look into the flask, deciding on if he really wanted to try and drink it. It looked like water. Clear. Colorless. But it did not smell like water. Not at all. He looked back to the other. This is Cour des Miracles, and some of us are still feral. the male spoke, defending the other wolvens. Daisuke cocked his head. Then the ferals are hidden! I have yet to see one. he spoke, nodding his head lightly before he finally put the flask up to his lips and took a swig of the vodka. He had swallowed it before he got to taste it really, but the burning of it going down his throat was very alarming. His audits flipped back, and he flinched away from the bottle, and brought one hand to his neck, and he looked to the other. Why did it hurt?! he spoke, his voice cracking because of the burning of his throat. What is this?! he asked, really wanting to know now that he had tasted it.



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