Sexy Results

WC: 500+
Oh yeah, it was. There was fun times, and also homework, but the fun times outweighed the homework. XD

”Frankly I’d be insulted if you started pulling your punches.” Finn shot back. She wasn’t a little china doll who’d break at the merest touch, but a warrior born, raised and proved. She had grown up amongst two of the most macho wolves around, and picked up a number of their traits by osmosis. It was only by luck that Brom had been around to teach her to be nice occasionally, otherwise Finn would have ended up a carbon copy of Aegnus. If there was anything more off-putting than that thought, Finn hadn’t heard of it.

”Really? That’s quite impressive.” Finn said, watching Jac as he slowly circled her. Where once the movement would have put her on guard, it just sent little sparks of electricity skipping up and down her spine. She could feel his dark eyes smoldering on her fur. ”The south sounds nice, aside from the food shortage. I like the idea of it being warm. year round.” The thought of wolves fighting over scraps of food was oddly not very new to Finn. In the north, it was the same. All that snow and ice left very little food to be found for herbivores and carnivores alike. She shivered a little as his fingers traveled across her fur, but said nothing.

This was a game the two of them were playing. Behind all the jokes, challenges and general conversation, something else was waiting for the right chance to spring free. Finn had a good idea what it was, and that thought of what could happen made her nervous. It was easier just to override the little voice of caution, to send it to the corner of the room inside her head and ignore it. It was easier to forget. She resurfaced in the present, pulling free from the clinging tentacles of guilt and memories. Jac had returned to his spot in front of her now, and she watched him closely at his movements. The rumors were right, he looked like quite the accomplished fighter.

”Oh aye, plenty. Out of all my wounds, the ear is probably the one I miss the most, though.” Finn admitted, ”My brother ripped it off when I was… Oh, ten months?” She grinned to herself, remembering the event with an odd fondness. ”Got him back though, I did. Never going to see well out of his right eye again.” Oh, Aegnus had been royally pissed about the blindness. But when he’d gone off whining to Finn’s father, Cuhlain just shrugged and said “An eye for an ear.” Perhaps that was the reason why her brother had been so ferocious the day he chased her away.

Finn shifted into a more steady stance, bending the knees of the ridiculously long legs she now possessed. A frown flickered across her face as she tried to think of a good way to attack this way. The closed palm punch seemed like a good idea, especially since she didn’t want to give the leader of her pack any lasting scars. That would be a major faux-pas, Finn imagined. ”All right, I think I’m ready.” She chuckled, almost every tooth in her mouth bared in a mischievous grin, ”Come and get me.”


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