scavenge what you will [p]

It was good. <3 1000+ words.

#####The grin could not be kept from his face at the mention of his pack being where he could likely find her. Though he expected it was possible she had already scouted that area, or she might have even been willing to join the first pack she found interesting, Vigilante was pleased with the idea that he may have had a part in her reasoning for considering joining, as he had told her about the pack and Jacquez. He was sure that Finn would fit in well with the pack of misfits, and he could not help but feel a bit happy at the prospect of seeing her again within the pack lands, especially because she seemed genuinely interested in what he did with metal and possibly seeing him again. "I look forward to seeing you there," the mutt said to accompany his present smile. He was even contributing to the pack's growth; that was a nice feeling.

#####Inferni was a foreign name to him, but he could easily assume it was another pack in the area by what she said, and apparently very selective. This intrigued him, as he shamefully knew very little of the packs surrounding the area, truthfully. As someone with his training, he should know as much as possible about the other packs. "Why is Inferni not an option for you? Unfortunately, I am not well-versed in most of the packs in this area, but the seclusion based on bloodlines is very intriguing," he admitted, unhappy with how little he actually knew. Thus far, he had not been seeking to know of the other packs, but he supposed it was something he would need to do at some point. Vigilante could never be happy not knowing, the unease of such a situation not appealling to him. Things like this, he should already know.

#####They were beginning to touch the subject of family once more, something it seemed that neither of them particularly wanted to do. Instead of questioning why she might have been with only her father and the other two members of their family, Vigilante nodded solemnly. Despite being from such a large pack, he too knew how it felt to only see those he was related to for the first year of his life. The misguided Elders of his pack had not wanted anyone to turn him or his sister biased, so they had been kept in a cave alone, miles away from the rest of the pack but watched so closely that they had to accept their fate, no matter how curious they were about the world around them. In times of loneliness, he had often thought of how different his life would have been if he and Martyr had left that cave in the middle of the night before everything had been set in place. His nieces and nephew would not have been born when they were, surely, but his sister would still be beside him. Of everyone he had left behind or killed, he missed her the most, if he even missed any of the others. It was not likely that he did--far too many grudges.

#####"My sister and I were raised away from most of the pack, kept in a small cave until our first birthday. Our parents were allowed to see us, as well as the Elders of my pack, but other than that, it was complete seclusion. I wish it had been different." No truer words had been spoken by him lately, it seemed. He tried to live without regrets, and he tried to pretend he was not pained by the faces of those he had taken. His beliefs had been firm then, and in a way, he still felt that they were correct, but he did not feel the need to serve justice any longer. It was not his place in the world anymore. The job was better left to those who did not have a single doubt about what they did, such as the masked coyote, Onus, who was committed to the job.

#####A pet. . . Deer? That was a strange thought, considering how common deer were as prey to wolves and luperci alike, though he supposed it was not very far from what those in his pack kept, however foreign the idea had been to him initially. Thinking of the blood bay stallion he kept as his own, the man smiled fondly at the memory of how insistant the horse had been when he had gone to the stables. There had been no chance of him leaving the horse there alone, of course. "That is very coincidental. I think you'll fit into my pack very well, then, as most of us keep horses. I have one, though he's more of a companion. I do not ride him like the others ride theirs, and he does not stay in the stables, but near my house. How did you come across this deer?"

#####What he wanted to ask was why she had not eaten the deer, but he felt that would be rude, and the question could easily be turned back on him, although horses were not common as prey around here. He had eaten many deer in his life, of course. It was a part of nature. Horses were something he had not been introduced to back home, so while they had been almost frightening when he came here, he had not ever considered eating any of them, especially his wonderful beast in the makeshift stable behind his house. It was almost embarassing, how awkward it seemed to keep Nádherné in an empty shed with the door removed, a half-hearted attempt at a fence surrounding it. It was no matter, though, as the horse did not seem to have any interest in leaving. Their bond was strange, but he could appreciate it. Life in his house would have been dreadfully boring, as he lived with no others, if he did not know that the horse was right outside.


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