Comming to a friend

You're not a loser, sillyface! 500+ words.

######Ayita's silence neither surprised nor bothered him, and he could appreciate that she was just listening. What she needed to do was not worry about being a mother so much, because he knew that she could do it. Some were not fit to be mothers, while others were; the pregnant woman sitting before him certainly fit into the latter of the two groups. Of that, Vigilante had no doubts. If she were not fit to be a mother, he supposed that she would not actually be worried about it. It was a backwards situation, but those unfit did not seem to care about those they affected, so they would not worry. In knowing that she was worried, Vigilante would have been able to tell that she cared and would be a marvelous mother, even if he had never met her before. In such a case, however, he supposed she would not have come to him with her fears, and he was glad that it was not the situation. He valued her too much as a friend. She was beautiful, smart, and kind. Motherhood would be something she could take in stride if she only put aside her fears.

######What she said when she finally spoke caused some worry to arise in him, though he kept his gaze attentive as she spoke. It did not surprise him to hear that she did not love Leroy. He had suspected as such when he had first learned of their relationship, because it had moved far too quickly to be love. However, he could not stand to hear the way she seemed so resigned to accepting her situation and not even trying to find a way out of it. There was no need for her to stay with Leroy if she did not love him, regardless of whether or not she was carrying his puppies, especially if she had potential feelings for someone else. Things could always be changed; he was living proof of a change of lifestyle happening. The admission of whom she had feelings for, however, caused him to stare at her in surprise. Him? She couldn't possibly have feelings for him. He was undeserving of such feelings, even though they were the very thing he had come here to find. If she knew everything he had done, surely she would avoid seeing him again, though he was not willing to take that risk yet.

######Regaining what little composure he had lost, Vigilante considered what he could say to her. He wanted - needed - to find options to provide her with, because he could not happily allow her to stay in a position she was so obviously unhappy with. "Ayita, do not think that you have no other options. There are always other options. I am proof of that, living a different option in life than I had been given from the start." He could not let her stay unhappy, and while he offered himself as proof, his did not yet want to tell her everything from his past. "You do not have to stay with Leroy, and I am not just saying that because I may. . . Share the same feelings toward you." It was a delicate situation, and he did not want to confuse her further about where she was going in life. "Staying with him when you are unhappy with only lead to worsened feelings. If you want, I have an extra bedroom not being used. It if yours, if you would like it someday. I could also help you fix up a house nearby, if that would be preferred. But do not feel that you have to stay with Leroy when you are not happy and in love. You will be an amazing mother. You are smart, and you are incredibly kind, and also very beautiful. Do not feel as though you have no options. All you need to do is find them, and I will be here to help you." She did not have to feel alone in this.


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