free to waste away alone
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Jazper Rhiannon was a stubbornly loyal wolf. That was his up side and his down side. As a young boy he had always been a stubborn talkative little thing and as an adult he still held strong to his beliefs. It was just unfortunate that Urma did not agree that Dierdre deserved this high amount of loyalty even in death. She had been a mother to him, if only for a short while, and even still they would have been together if the fire had not occurred. Nature just had a poor way of being a friendly neighbor sometimes. He had only known Dierdre for a couple of months before she passed but she had taken in a strange pup and had enough love in her heart for him even though she was about to have a family of her own. His brothers where just unlucky never to know their real mum, yet they were lucky they had no one to miss. They didn't have to go through months of nightmares and waking up with a puddle of tears on his pillow. They where indeed lucky for that.

His ears leaned forward, giving him the appearance of attention but his mind stayed on the white Rhiannon females that he called mom. It would be strange if Dierdre came home after all this time, they would be siblings more then mother and son. After all, Deuce and Lucifer had raised him from pup hood into adulthood. Now he simply took care of himself, an adult in every right. “Well maybe he'll come back someday.” He mumbled with a shrug of his giant shoulders. He really didn't care about Pilot as much as Urma and he was starting to loose sympathy for the equal stubbornness, why couldn't she have just said 'thank you' or something instead of dragging on the subject? Didn't normal people just take the empathy and move on? “ has everyone been treating you since you came home? I hope you've been set up with a room.” The comfort of his pack mates was a more important conversation to him, much more interesting then Pilot in his mind.


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