the simplest way to fall apart
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Do you want to start towards ending this soon-ish? Wc: 400+

The hammering that had been the steady tempo of her heart for the past few minutes began to subdue as the pair slowly became calmer, almost as one being. Taking her cues from the younger pup, Ghita kept her own emotions on par, calming when she became calmer simply because it meant that they were leaving the uncomfortable and dangerous 'forest' of fears behind. For a moment Ghita allowed herself the marvel of having a small body closely related to her seek comfort in her pelt. Shuddering, a journey that had taken Cambria to where she hadn't wished to go ended up bringing Ghita to the same place, sought out by the demons of her own past.

Ghita's opinion of the foreign substances and Cambria's opinion differed greatly, to say the least. To the pup, it was a place where none should go, fraught with unescapable terrors and woes, but Ghita sought out the drugs to escape the terrors and woes. Yet the two of the same blood could be a comfort to each other in this tough time, and in the aftermath as well. There were somethings that Ghita felt you were entitled to an informed choice to, no matter what the age. Drugs happened to be of this category, and there was a part that threatened to take over the fae that cried out for vengeance for her wronged niece. In slight wonder of herself, she let out a hissing sigh, not directed towards any but the older fae, amused and tongue-tied at her emotions now.

It always seemed that the fewer words there were, the more powerful affect they held. 'I love you' and 'Thank you' among those categories, groupings that held few syllables, but were weighted down with emotion more than they could carry. In their case, Ghita simply nodded at Cambria's thanks at first, before blinking away a pearly tear that danced at the corner of a hidden turquoise optic. "Any time" She whispered in return, placing her large (in comparison) ebony nose just by the chocolate of Cambria's cheek.

Amusement danced in Ghita as her niece asked just what she could do to feel strong. A small chuckle escaped her before she replied, a smile dancing across pearly ivories as a smile crept across her face. "That, my dear, is something that every wolf asks several times over the years. Trying certainly helps, but I don't think there's a definite answer."


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