nothing like this...
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The large female lay down outside her den and watched Night jump around in the over sized puddle. Her life had taken a turn for the better since she had come here. It was pleasent and even though she had started on bad terms she was positive it would only be good from here on out. Watching the little sable girl she knew she would have to explain to her one day about her birth mother, and that brought an ache to her heart. Svara would have been a wonderful mother for Night, weather the red female had known it or not.

Wagging her tail the she wolf got to her paws and walked over to the little girl who looked up at her with a big grin. The girl knew how to say things, but she didn't speak all that much, only when she really wanted to did she utter any words. Today she spoke, it was different for the girl. Whisper noted that she didn't like to mess up when she spoke. "Mama, can we walk...farther today?" Her words were perfect and she only paused to remember a word she didn't know. Whisper grinned down at the girl and nodded. "Sure."

Moving ahead she heard Night follow behind weaving in and out of her legs like an obnoxious pup, but it was her mother in her and Whisper wasn't about to douse that fire that the child had inherited from Svara. Moving through the woods they went farther then usual all the way through the trees. Whisper only stopped after she saw a she wolf on the deck of a cabin and two pups playing in the yard. Her ears pinned. The she wolf could become protective of her pups and cause trouble, although strength wasn't a problem for Whisper when it came to her enormous size. Still she didn't want trouble. Night of course didn't know any better and was already rushing into the yard where the other children were at play. The little sable girl pinned her young ears and bared her small fangs. The grey she wolf was dumb founded by her daughters aggressive reaction and just stood there.


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