people just liked it better that way
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It was particularly surprising that he was found. No, Razekiel was not making the effort to isolate himself; in fact, he enjoyed company as much as he did isolation, though such a thing often depended on the weather. When the sun shone bright, the red-faced hybrid was perfectly content wandering the lands alone, breathing in the fresh air and basking in the sunlight -- it was his "alone time" with Mother Earth, as he called it. She deserved his attention as much as any of his Inferni clanmates, even his real mother. However, although the hippie did quite enjoy the rain and the rhythmic freshness it temporarily brought to the dark and perpetually dirty-feeling land claimed by Inferni, he was not quite as fond of being wet. Sitting and admiring the rain with a comrade from a warm, dry place was perfect in Razekiel's book.

He'd been absorbed by his humming and lollygagging to the tune of his guitar, pulled out the little groove rather abruptly when Gabriel's words reached his ears even before the clan leader's presence reached met the boy's straw-hued eyes. Tipping his head upward, Razekiel sent a dazed, stupid stare up at the Aquila in slow attempts to recognize him, as the Aquila clearly knew who he was. Slowly but surely, his open-mouthed stare widened into a fizzled smile: little Gabriel, of course! Anselm had mentioned the dog-looking thing leading Inferni now, rather than his mother way back when. A few years had been good to the now-Aquila, Razekiel mused to himself quietly before muting the guitar's hanging chord that had been buzzing since the boy looked up. "Gabe, my man," the hybrid grinned, twisting the cigarette to the opposite side of his mouth with a skillful flick of the tongue. He climbed to his feet slowly, laughed giddily as he stumbled a bit, and finally wiggled his way over to the Aquila that he nearly collapsed on as he embraced him. "I missed you, man! I forgot you were here and everything!" He tightened his already-choking squeeze on the Aquila, grinning stupidly ear to ear. "I've been here a week, man. Just like old times, little brother."


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