nothing like this...
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Whisper shook her head and got back her composure. She watched as the mother stood and called her children to her side. The little girl went, but the male staid and growled at Night in return. Of course his growling was useless to a pup so much older and bigger then himself, but Whisper didn't think on that track. Jogging up behind the sable pup she dipped her head and gave her a sharp nip on the scruff. Night yelped and looked up at her mother, giving a nasty pout she looked back at the boy with narrowed blue eyes.

Night kept her ears flat at the boy but she said nothing. Smart on her behalf. Looking at the she wolf Whisper nodded a hello. "Hello there. I'm whisper this is daughter Night." Whisper figured it was stupid to introduce Night as Svara's daughter when the she wolf was no longer around, and the child wouldn't understand if she said she wasn't her mother. "We're new to the pack." She added so the female would understand her appearance.


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