Change comes slowly


Yes, Xeris thought, There is definitely something wrong with him. She was rather shocked by Seven's reaction to Ty's form shifting; she herself had considered going back to lupus form but if this was the sort of reaction that would result, it probably wasn't worth it. The white wolfess' naturally peace-loving personality kicked in and she immediately felt the need to calm her new packmate down.

"Seven--" she began, but the word had barely left her mouth before the black wolf was suddenly high in a tree. Xeris sighed, looking to Ty for a moment. "Seven, it's all right," she continued. "We just want to make you more comfortable. If you don't like Luperci then we can go back to lupus form, see?" Xeris closed her eyes and allowed herself, a bit reluctantly, to shift to her quadrupedal form. "See? We're more like you now." Xeris hadn't spent much time in her lupus form since the accident. Her right foreleg still bore the mark of the coyote woman's teeth and was less steady than her other limbs. Despite this, she remained standing on all fours, doing her best to look up through the tree branches to spot the strange dark-colored wolf.

"You don't have to be afraid here," she said kindly, Jefferson's words suddenly returning to her mind. "Though you might not be able to tell by looking at me," Xeris gestured toward the scars covering her body, "Phoenix Valley is a place of peace." She looked to Ty, hoping that he could do some more to calm Seven down.


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