boy with a coin.

Zero! Big Grin <3

The boy should have calculated that something was wrong, the situation seemed so surreal in nature. But everything in his past had been so disjointed and chaotic that he didn't really seem to pick up on anything entirely. History had bred the puppy as a distant variable, unattached to the real world. Nonetheless, he worked mechanically to move forward without truly thinking about his condition. So when this stranger approached from behind, he took no intense notice and merely continued to ignorantly milk a body dry. He had reached past an age where milk was even prevalent in his life, but it was the only thing he could truly take solace in as an action of stability. His mother babied him in the subject, and allowed him to nurse whenever he felt necessary - and now seemed to be a necessary time as any.

That is, until the thing behind him spoke. Releasing the teat from between his young teeth, he whipped his head around to judge the interruption. He was big, bigger than the puppy at the very least, gold and red hued exactly like him, with red eyes unlike his own blue-green. The boy took a big inhale, sampling his new company exuberantly, tail hung limply behind him confused as what to take him as. The puppy practiced a growl in his direction, wondering if that was the solution to this problem in front of him - alas, it didn't fit right. He then tried to wag the limp tail behind him, but it sluggishly lazed as if filled with heavy sand. Golden eyebrows furrowed, he looked back to his mother and then back to the stranger.

"Why..?" His small mouth worked around the word, eyeing the stranger carefully before producing the full thought. "Why am I here?"

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