Time to say goodbye
Something moved and Deuce halted her jerky movements. She stared uncomprehendingly at the hybrid in front of her, blinking her bi-colored eyes owlishly. Then she realized what it was. he wanted her to leave these lands. The lands that used to belong to Syemv. The lands her former mate was buried in. She frowned, confused and a little lost in her psychosis.
I can't yet....I have to bury it.... Her voice was soft, ethereal. She herself was a lost child, a ghost of sorts. Her hand tightened on the blade. She didn't feel the blade bite into her skin, didn't feel the slight trickle of blood where the cut began to widen as she continued to tighten her grip.
Her eyes went wild as she realized this male wanted to take the blade from her, the ornate letter opener that had taken Erik's life. You can't have it! I have to b-bury it! Her voice was shrill, frightened, angry. The voice of someone convinced that they were right and the world was out to get them.
Erik's voice had stilled at the first sight of the coyote hybrid, but now it began again, mocking and berating, chiding and demanding. her eyes were going unfocused again as she lost herself to listening to his words.

Credit to Misery!

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