on rainy days we'd go swimming out
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Xeris watched as the golden wolf made his way under the ledge. She noticed that he was still getting his feet wet. That was obviously purposeful, she thought, as she'd left him plenty of space to stay dry. The white wolfess noticed how polite Daisuke was, and was pleased with that. Her golden eyes watched him as he looked over her scars, and she frowned a bit, feeling rather self-conscious.

She lowered her head when Daisuke spoke how how powerful Kaena must have been. Of course she had force, Xeris thought. I think I figured that out myself. "Yes," she said, "It was a frightening experience." Then he suddenly reached forward and traced the scar along her side with a finger. Xeris jolted backward at the sudden touch. What was this man thinking, touching a newly-met woman just like that? The only male she felt comfortable with touching her like that was Pendzez.

"Sorry," she said quietly after she had withdrawn from his touch. "I wasn't expecting that." Daisuke brought up Inferni again, and wondered about Kaena's reasons for attacking. "I don't know," Xeris replied solemnly. "I honestly don't know much about the history of the area. But I'm sure that it's possible." She recalled what Jefferson had told her about Inferni. "Our pack's leader spoke of some kind of conflict, but I'm not sure of the details."

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