Catch me a 'Wabbit, I will! ... Or not.
No Problem hun. ;3 Whoo for silliness!

Giggling, the she-wolf eyed the piece of paper once more, skimming over the more advanced language following those intriguing sentences. Icy gems pondered their meanings, attempting to piece together things related to some of them. 'Poetry', for example, was an unknown word. Pohtry is what she assumed it said, and confusion colored some of her giggling as she attempted to decipher some of the phrases. A musky scent announced itself as a hand was thrust before her nose, and a deep voice pointed out an obvious flaw in holding the piece of parchment.

It was his. Well of course, since it wasn't hers, it had to belong to SOMEBODY. This... 'Buttface' character. Or, as she thought it should be pronounced, 'Bootface'. Eyes widened in surprise and the slim white fairy looked over at the grey-ish male beside her, registering what this meant. Maw gaped open slightly in shock as she cocked her head to one side, examining him. He certainly didn't look repulsive... so why would he be named after an insult? Surely, he was jesting. Anyone named somethin glike this would not look anything like this handsome grey fellow.

"You must be mistaken. You don't look anything like a 'Bootface'. You're far to handsome to have a name like that. This paper belongs to Bootface." She said, rather matter-of-fact. Not a hint of laughter or any sort of non-serious meaning twinged any of her words. Certainly, Ailbhe was not naive, but it was not hard for her to misunderstand anything she read. To her, this paper was the only link she had to a wounded soul in need of help. A poor, neglected, unseemly character that lacked any form of self-confidence or love. Of course, she had completely pushed aside the fact that he had changed his name to Ares, but that was something different. No no, it was insignificant.

She pondered the male before her. If he said this paper was his, then maybe he was getting it for Buttface? But he pretended he was the poor brute to get it from her more easily? She pondered this for a little while, and finally asked him a simple question. "Perhaps you know where Bootface is?"

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