Time to say goodbye

indent There would be no more warnings. He had given her an option, a chance, and had she been wiser she might have taken it. Gabriel continued to growl, snow falling onto his body, aware only of her. If she turned and left, he would have followed her out. What she did however, was sway on her feet and babble incoherently. He couldn’t hear much anymore—just the vibration in his chest and throat.
indentThe scent of blood hit him like a tidal wave, but it was her words that drove him forward. She was mad, she was hysterical, and she was a danger. Gabriel’s body lowered just slightly as he tensed for an attack. Her eyes turned cloudy and he saw his opportunity. Without hesitation, he threw himself at her, body flying through the air to connect with her frame. Vaguely, he was aware of his front paws working, slamming down on her hands to try and get rid of the knife. Thought had become restricted to motion—his hind legs were pistons, kicking wildly to hit whatever they could, his teeth were mechanical, snapping and reaching for the throat.


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