No you really haven't lived life yet



I love how this is turning out! More drama! Not to say that I love seeing Ruri hurt, but the drama of the situation adds to the rp exponentially. It's a good feeling engaging in a wonderful a drug almost *says this not knowing the first thing of what a drug feels like*


She'd felt it. Jac was calming down, at least just a little bit. For that one small moment Ruri's tears stopped and she silently waited to see what would happen. The entire argument was going in slow motion. Would things really get better? Were they really not going to fight? For a small moment Ruri felt like her hopes had come true. Then she heard the back of Jac's hand striking the side of Heath's face. It was not a sound she had heard before, but somehow she immediately recognized it. She cowered as the sound reached her ears followed by Jac's firey, enraged snarl. It had started. Now both of them were going to start brawling over her and she wouldn't be able to stop them. A loud sob exitted her vocals as she waited for what she thought might be Heath's instinctual response to Jac's blow. But the blow never came. All she felt was his hand clasping hers. SHe heard his voice apologizing for something. Apologizing for what!? He hadn't done anything yet. She was proud of him! Extremely proud! He hadn't hit Jac back. He had risen above such a petty disagreement. But when she stood up to throw her arms around him, he was not there. He had moved to Stark's side in an instant and she immediately heard him urging the horse into a fast gallop. He was leaving! He was leaving just like Jac had ordered! No! That wasn't supposed to be how it all happened!

Before the ivory and merle optime could tell what she was doing she was off her porch and running as fast as her slender legs could carry her, following the sound of Stark's hooves. "Heath! Wait!! Don't go!" she begged, arms pumping, long silver hair flowing behind her as she ran. "Don't go, Heath! Please don't leave!" she shouted, not knowing whether he could hear her or not. She ran, as fast as she could, paying no attention to the landscape beneath her feet. She knew this route didn't she? There was no way she would trip. She'd walked this route several times. She knew where each large rock and tree root was. However, everything appeared faster when she was running and for once Ruri did not compensate for the speed at which she was moving, probably because she'd never run that fast. However she quickly became aware of her miscalculation as she felt her leg suddenly tripping over a large rock intersecting one of her known trails. Had she been paying attention she would have easily avoided it, but she hadn't been. Her right leg, now twisted and contorted as she fell, her speed carrying her several feet through the air. The damage was already done. Heath was already far away from her, her optime legs having been far too slow to even hope to match those of the stallion. A shrill yelp of pain flew from her lips as she hit the ground, gradually sliding to a halt on ground, her arms clutching at her ankle which now throbbed with a piercing pain. She could not hear, nor smell. The pain, unlike anything else she'd ever felt, was completely overloading her other senses. "Ow....ouch! Ow!" she cried over and over again, her tears now streaming forth with renewed vigor. The girl, having been so sheltered during her upbringing had always made sure to be careful so as not to injure herself and as such had never experienced a sprained ankle before. All she knew was that every slight attempt at movement of her now swelling footpaw only produced shooting flashes of pain that blocked everything else out.

For a moment, she had forgotten the fight. She had forgotten Jac's blow on Heath's head, and Heath's exit. She had forgotten about why she was even lying on the ground. All she knew was that she was in pain and that she needed help. Several other cries echoed from her lips, pleading for someone to come and make the pain stop.


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