the twentieth century
    Rurik was rather intent on exploring the territory outside of the city; it was only natural that he'd continue past Crimson Dreams, where he'd already met young Cambria, and onward. The Russian was having quite the time of branching out and meeting different canines, though he did spend quite a bit of time with the children. They were often moving and about anyway, though Liliya did stick closer to home than her brother. It was on this occasion that he'd decided to bring her along, in the hopes to introduce her to others and get her out of the house a bit. They had already passed Crimson Dreams, and they were talking quietly as they walked. Lily had already argued her case to stay home and failed miserably, and Rurik was still trying to goad her out of the piss-poor mood she'd picked up.

    "Oi, girly, you best wipe that sour look off yer face if you are to make good impression," he chided merrily, which only served to tick her off more. Rurik knew how to push her buttons, and it amused him to annoy her with the little things. In many ways, she was still a dramatic little teenager, though she certainly appeared fully grown. "Shove it," she replied in smug Russian, which immediately wiped the grin right off of Rurik's face. She definitely knew how to push back. Grumbling under his breath, the silvery wolf halted, scenting the upcoming border. He didn't expect someone to be there waiting for him, even if that someone was rather young. By the looks of it, she was no older than Cambria had been when he'd encountered her.

    As the Russians approached, the elder of the pair noticed the youth was hiding her face, burying it beneath her paws. Frowning, he paced forward ahead of Lily, who gazed in confusion toward her father some several feet in front of her. "Hey there," the wolf said, speaking softly as not to scare her. "Are you alright?" he questioned, his sable-dipped ears pricking upwards in alarm. Lily sidled up to him, saying nothing but now peered curiously at the younger female.


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