It's a snake
childhood repression: an expert at work

Haven to the rescue! Word Count: 354

A blur of a someone rushed at him and then he was elsewhere and gaining distance on the strange animal with the rattling tail. The male who had lifted and pushed him away (lifted! He didn't know whether to feel indignant or not!) had shouted various exclamations of the negative kind right before he rushed at the young male, and in the small moments before the strangely-pelted male explained his behavior Emwe wondered whether he had been doing something wrong. Maybe he was going to get punished? He sure hoped no one would tell Alexey. Or worse - his dad. No, no, no, no, that wouldn't be good and Conor would probably laugh at him, too. Only when the male with the white ear spoke did Emwe understand that he had just been stupid. Again. His ears dropped against his skull as he realized the great debt he had to this stranger. He'd saved his life, and Emwe didn't know whether to be embarrassed that he had needed saving, or happy that he had been saved. His face was openly speaking of this dilemma, and his tail alternated between half a wag and a submissive position, uncertain. He wanted to excuse himself by saying that no one had told him to stay away from those things, but that wasn't true because that male had just said so. He felt silly, because he was. Here was Emwe, soon a year old, and still he was getting in trouble so that grown-ups had to save him. It sucked. But this guy was pretty cool, too, and he didn't want to look like even more of an ass. His eyes widened att he thought of poison, and he concluded that he was more happy than embarrassed. Finally, his tail settled on an expression, and his face looked less troubled. "I'll remember that." Emwe smiled uncertainly at the other male. If there was one thing he wasn't good at (and there were a lot of things he wasn't good at) it was being social. He paused a moment and studied the other, before continuing with their conversation. "Thanks."


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