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Short, sorry, you know why. :/

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Matrix positioned herself appropriately as they prepared to lift the furnace. Knees were bent and she maintained a firm grip--on three she strained, fighting the force of gravity by extending her legs. She knew that the spine was not made to withstand such stress, and she assumed that Skoll would know to do the same. Some great amount of heaving and panting managed to get them modest success--the thing lifted up a few inches. Fortunately, that was all that they would need. The end closest to the dolly was up. Rather impressed that they managed such a feat, she smiled and shook her head. "Alright, I guess I'll brace against the dolly now and you can push it the rest of the way up?" Now that it was at an angle, this task would be easier. Ah, the wonders of leverage.
She made her way over to the other side of the dolly (which had already been fitted with ropes for pulling it later) and half-braced it/half-leaned against it as dead weight. Her eyes drifted to several extra ropes that were laying on the ground--once he had it all the way on, she would use some of the knot-tying skills her father had taught her to secure the damned thing. There'd be nothing quite like hitting a bump in the road and having to reload it. It had a lot of weight, and therefore a decent amount of friction, but she didn't want to take any chances. She was still rather tired from lifting it once, and barely. Oh well--at the end of it all, she'd have a nice furnace to show for it, and then a nice greenhouse. Hopefully Skoll found the hassle worthwhile enough--at least it was exercise, right?

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