web of sin

         “And now you assume that I’m a man, or that I care whether or not I’m perceived as one,” he said, tutting softly in a mock scold. “You act as though you know me, then you state things which do not matter to me as though they should.” Samael Lykoi could care less about anything other than himself. Yet there was something vividly suspicious about this encounter in the words she used and the poorly veiled riddles that only heightened his uncertainty. It was as though she were making obvious jokes to herself like a player in some poorly written play, yet leaving them widely open and laid out for the male to see if he dared clear his vision. He narrowed his eyes, again lifting the drink to his lips and taking the burning liquid into his body.

        Even if he was a demon, she must have assumed him an absolute fool, luring him openly into this secluded location and speaking in tones that revealed exactly what she was planning right to his face. Claw brushed his lips, smirking at the fire-hued female. She wasn’t a very good actress, but she was still female and was presenting herself to him even if it wasn’t solely because of his good looks and charisma. He would play along with her little game, taking what he wished and then destroying her in the end rather than her taking him. “Why, you of course,” he said, leaning in toward her neck to gently nip at the flesh there. Oh, she wanted to play games with him, but how far would she go to get what she wanted from him, if he didn’t destroy her first?


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