the future is getting away from me
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    The unfamiliar name did not make the familiar face make any more sense. He couldn’t place him, and this piqued his curiosity. Still, he did not feel the need to demand further information, and let the desire fall to the wayside. “You can eat,” he assured the boy. As if to further his point, the Aquila settled onto his stomach. Though the ground was cold, it was not damp, and not entirely uncomfortable. Shaking his head, the hybrid yawned widely and exposed his teeth to the crisp air. His muzzle shut with a smart snap.
    While he waited for his companion to finish his meal, Gabriel allowed his gaze to trail amongst the forest. There were small motions here and there; a bird, a noisy squirrel, small animals in the underbrush. Ever since their last trespasser had been hung out to dry, there had been little excitement. This was perfectly all right with Gabriel, though—the effort to hunt wolves was much more demanding then prey animals.


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