remember the gun and the damage it's done.
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MISERYMisery found kinship in few creatures. She regarded most others with a kind of disgusted numbness - they were unfaithful, unworthy. Kaena simply struck a chord in her. She had tattooed the woman, left her mark. But Kaena had left one on Misery as well. She had a fondness for the coyote woman. The scars, the strength evident in her body, old as it was. She could respect the woman in front of her, and she did, deeply. But it was not the past that needed to be on Misery's mind at the moment. No, she needed to understand what had happened here - and figure out what she could do with it. Someone had hurt Kaena, and they needed to be punished. Misery was the mother, the master of Larkspur now, and he was strong. He had the strength of a creature damn near twice his size. He would make this dirty deed right if she could get to the bottom of it.
MISERYPain was evident in Kaena's posture, and though she had released the woman's hand already,s eh would offer it again. The hand was thin and sharp, the last time she had seen Kaena it had been the color of ink. These days the sin had been washed away from her, leaving only a snowy, and beautiful white. She gently rested her hand on top of Kae's, and was silent for quite a few moments. What could she say? It was terrible to be hurt, and she wished she could make it better. She was still unsure of what happened - and perhaps would never really know the truth. What had helped her? Salvaged had harmed her terribly - he was large and powerful. Misery was a tiny thing, thin and sharp - she rather resembled a coyote in appearance save for the pelt, and it had been the loneliness afterward that had hurt the most.
You can do nothing to help her. She hates our kind, Misery. Damian's voice, so very pessimistic. She couldn't stand that about him sometimes.
"Do you want me to stay the night with you?" Awkward and fumbling, the words were almost shy. Misery was no protection - save for the fact Kaena could outrun her and leave her to whatever was chasing them. That could be helpful, maybe. She wasn't sure what to say, she only wanted to help.


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