a very merry unbirthday to all [p]
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/S ... ainbow.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:375px; border:1px #AD0B12 solid; font-size: 10px; line-height:12px;">

I wouldn't mind going a few more rounds, and maybe a newer thread, possibly? 500+ words.

######It was strange to think that they were together once more, but now one of their biggest concerns also included two others their own age. The time spent together before her excursion to find Tokyo had been mostly in regards to their own well-being, each other, and staying away from their wretched mother. At the time, it had seemed as though she could never have anything to worry about that was not herself or her beloved brother. Despite how young they had been when they had rid themselves of Tokyo for months, Princess felt that they had done well for themselves and for each other. She had never wanted there to be any hard feelings between them, and it pained her to know that her drunken night had only further caused the rift between them to grow that had formed when she had wanted to confront their mother. Now, at the tender age of one year, they seemed to have so much more to worry about. Princess hated admitting it to herself, but it seemed that their main concerns were drifting from one another.

######Not only did they have the Haven incident falling between them, the girl was realizing that she was not the only important one in her brother's life anymore. It didn't hurt, but it did bother her a little, especially because he had not told her this earlier. He almost had, it had seemed, as long as she recalled correctly, but his anger at her confession had stopped him from giving her any actual information. No matter how angry he had been, nothing excused that! She was Princess, his important sister, and she deserved to know things like this immediately, not when she was coming to apologize for telling him something important more than a month before! It was absolutely ridiculous that he had kept it from her, but the logical part of her mind--no matter how scarce it often was--tried telling her that she had no right to be upset. Ares was a very private male, it seemed, and there had been no rule placed that he had to tell her everything. In retrospect, she wished it had been so, or that there was some sort of binding, enforced brother-sister clause that stated that he absolutely had to tell her everything under the sun.

######Their first night together sounded nice. . . Maybe she would go find Haven sometime, and they could look at the stars together. That would certainly be nice, but it was not the most pressing matter at hand. "No you're not," she countered, golden eyes settling on his face boldly. Now, she was no longer nervous. This was something she could at least pretend to be confident about, and she was almost always able to make sense out of something, even if it meant twisting information in her favor, or in this case, her brother's. "That's a lie, and I bet you know it. If you like her, then you can't just. . . Be friends, just like that. No, you have to do something about it," she added, tone encouraging. Maybe if her brother would act on his feeling for Mati, he might understand where she was coming from a little better, and he might not be nearly as angry as he had been about her night with Haven.


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