the room's on fire, she's fixing her hair
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Hehe. <3 500+ words.

######Her own self-conciousness and concern for the way he perceived her left her less than observant, fortunately, in this case. Haven's reaction to seeing her in the dress she had not worn prior was unnoticed by her as she studied him, almost shyly. Seeing him without his normal clothes was nice, she would be the first to admit. There was no denying the memories of that first night from cropping up in her mind, and there was absolutely no way she could avoid acknowledging those thoughts. The warmth spread in her stomach once more, that tingling feeling that she could not determine yet if she enjoyed or not. On one hand, it seemed to end well, judging from her one experience with sex, but it was a mixture of happiness and nervousness that just did not seem like a good combination. Sober, she was afraid that the situation might become awkward, especially because of her clothing choice and his nakedness. Still, she was glad she had chosen to wear this dress for him in particular. It was the one that showed her off best, not only because of the transluscent material, but also from the way it hung from her body.

######Sitting seemed like it would be a good idea, so she followed suit, sitting beside him. After sitting, she realized that putting a small space between them may have been a good idea, especially since she had just been thinking about the first night they had met, but unfortunately, it was not something she had thought of before sitting down. As a result, she was completely aware of how much of their fur was touching, particularly because of the fact that she was leaning into and against him. The veil of curled, tangled, and wet hair in front of her face hid the look of surprised shock at how close she had sat, though it was possible that the hair would be inconvenient for him. Princess knew that she had tickled herself unknowingly with her hair before, but whether Haven would notice the feathery touch (if it was even touching him, because she was not sure exactly if it was) was beyond her realm of immediate knowledge. If it bothered him, though, surely he would shift out of the way or move her hair from her face. She wasn't really too concerned about her hair.

######"Do you have visitors often?" she asked, leaning in a bit closer, one leg crossing her other and moving to settle across his knees. The statement had made her wonder if she would be invited to stay over, as well, though she liked to think that she would not need to sleep in the second room. It was reassuring to know that his guests had a room to themselves, instead of sharing with him. Absolutely she knew that Haven was not hers, but the idea of potentially sharing him with anyone else did not please her much at all. In fact, it had not even crossed her mind that her Knight may have someone important in his life other than her, be it a family member, friend, or more so. Obviously, she knew that he had a sister in Crimson Dreams that he seemed to care about, but since Mati was in the same pack as she was, she was not concerned about sharing him. It was difficult knowing that the brown girl obviously disliked her, but whatever. That was Mati's problem.

Table by Rust!


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