Take Me to Where the Birds Fly

OOC:Tiiiiired... Wc: 300+

The thought of being caught was frightening to Sinatra, to say the least. He could hear the noises outside (and he was sure the canine could hear him as well) and he didn’t feel one bit safe from them. He whimpered and huddled into himself, and clenched his eyes as he heard a voice. Definitely female. Though, he was sure that she could still kill the Dalmatian hybrid if she wanted to. He searched around near him, trying to find something, anything to use as a weapon. And of course, there was nothing. Sighing in defeat, he raised himself to his footpaws and stood to his full, five feet five inches. A foot under the lowest height of most Luperci.

"I-I’m coming out!" He said, walking slowly, carefully to the rips in the plane. How should he come out though… Strong? Brave? Or just the submissive, weak hybrid he was. Oh man, looks like it’s the latter… he thought to himself, taking a deep breath. Squeezing out of the hull, he blinked at the blindness of light and covered his eyes, the twin tattoos of the sun god on his wrists glinting in the rays of the sun. When his eyes adjusted, he took in the sight before him and blushed.

She was about his height, maybe a bit taller. But then again, she did look at least a full year or so younger than him. The sight made him feel more ashamed of himself. "Look, you don’t have to kill me, see? I probably wouldn’t… can’t, hurt a fly!" He lowered his gaze to the green grass and whimpered. Why did he leave again? Oh right… Jazz. "Uhh… I’m Sinatra Davaro. I uh, just.. joined, Crimson Dreams yesterday…" He tried to think of someway to explain just in case she didn’t believe him. He didn’t smell like in the pack, and he had no way of showing… Or did he? Looking to his wrists, he smiled at the identical tattoos, and as well identical to the ones that Jazper had. "Look!" he said, grinning slightly. "Jazzy has the same tattoos, if you don’t believe me!"



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