Arrival of a valkyrie
OOC: Hello, and thanks for welcoming me. by the way... why doesn't the tab button work on the post box? sorry if my posts aren't very good. >>;

Aria flinched as she heard someone approaching, and turned to where the sound came from, crouching low as she did. Her belly fur almost touching the ground as she searched for who she smelled, before seeing the other wolf in their optime form, clad in a raven colored cloak. After smelling that the new wolf was a female, she relaxed slightly, and then remembered her manners, sitting nervously with her half tail close to her and her ears flat against her head.

Glancing around to make sure no one was coming from her sides Aria faced the approaching wolf... Then she realized that the other female was in the optime form and blinked in surprise, but kept her amazement from showing for more than an instant and regained a little of her composure. "H-hello... Is... Is this your land?" She lowered herself to the ground in a submissive posture just in case, and checked her surroundings again. "I-i didn't meant to trespass.. I would like to join this pack, if it's not a burden..."

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