Arrival of a valkyrie
ooc: Everyone roleplays a different way. I judge by whether the person gives me something to respond to, not length or your posts are just fine. The only thing that I noticed was that you sometimes switch between present and past tense. From "she looked" to "she looks". My posts aren't free of mistakes, though, either.

The dark wolf had always lived in this area, never straying, so she was unused to some of the behaviors that some wolves gave her. She respected the submission that the other was showing to her, taking it as a show of good faith. The wolf wasn't looking defensive or showing any dominance, making Ember more easily trust her. Members came and went, and as long as Aria knew the basics then she had no problem accepting her and giving her a chance.

"Once you're settled you can start thinking about what sort of a role you'd like to take. I took the warrior route, wantin' to protect the pack and strengthen my mind and body. My friend Hemming is kind of a carpenter, I guess...making structures in the village for the tribe to use." She wasn't trying to look threatening and hoped that Aria might warm up in time. She didn't know where the other wolf came from, but it was a detail that she wasn't going to try and discover at this time.

"Follow me. You're accepted, as an Itse...the general rank for a wolf who hasn't yet chosen their path. I'll show you where you can find a few good caves, or good spots to dig for dens. Unless you'd rather live in one of the houses in the village" She turned then, beginning to walk into the woods.

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