Arrival of a valkyrie
OOC: Thanks for the compliment, and for telling me about my mistake. I didn't know I was doing that. ^^; sorry if it made it difficult to respond to. Hmm... feels like I've heard the line "Isn't it dangerous to go it alone?" before...

The gray wolf nodded, just then realizing the kind of rank the other female wolf had. With that realization, she looked around again to see if there were other members around and, realizing the clearly high ranking wolf was alone, wondered why at least one other member of the pack wasn't with her. She held her tongue for the moment, unsure if it would be against this packs rules or not.

When she saw the black she wolf walking away Aria stood up slowly and followed, some of her nervousness gone, and glad to have found a new pack. As they walked she made sure to watch the surroundings, slightly confused, a little nervous, but mostly to try to memorize the layout of the land. "If it's not overstepping my bounds... May I ask why you came to search the border of the territory... without someone to watch your back? I-isn't it dangerous to go it alone?" She kept her ears and eyes down, and her tail between her legs still, hoping her questions weren't taken as an offense.

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