Arrival of a valkyrie
ooc: :3

Aniwaya had brought the dark wolf a sense of self, over time. She had once been a very wild and rambunctious youth with no goals and no direction in life. She'd loved and had been hurt, and that had turned her a little hard. Maybe a bit less emotional, too. She had realized after her fight with her sister Firefly that if she wanted to be anything, be anybody, that she would have to join a pack and stick to it. She had gone from pack to pack, from one place to the next. Tayui was the one who had befriended her despite her horrible ways.

Slowly, over time, Ember had developed skills with her sword and a definite goal. Tayui had brought her to Aniwaya when she had thought that her life was over...but Ember was discovering new reasons to live every day. She was so very happy here in this tribe. She gave a smile at the question, shrugging. "It could be, but Aniwaya's pretty far away from some of the other packs. The group who causes a lot of the trouble is the coyote clan Inferni, up to the northeast of here...but we don't see too much of them. I have my sword to protect me, along with my dagger. So far, neither have failed me. I chose the warrior route here to prove that I could be something, make somethin' out of myself. There ain't too much that intimidates me, these days. Been pretty peaceful"

She walked a bit longer before deciding to ask a question of her own, one that she had decided against asking about before. Every wolf had their own past and she didn't want to make the newcomer divulge any information that she didn't feel comfortable sharing. "What were things like where you're from? I've always lived around here.l"

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