No you really haven't lived life yet
WC:481 // RP soap operas are the best ones! ;3

He knelt awkwardly beside her, snaking his arm about her waist. It had always been a lucky thing that she remained small compared to his height, because it made it easier for him to carry her with only one arm. He hugged her to his chest as he slowly stood, doing his best not to jostle her dangling ankle. She was still so light, even bundled up in the long tunic she had donned. Once the Lautari was nestled safely in the crook of his arm, Jacquez strode evenly back towards the cabin, his possessive needs assuaged by holding her so protectively. Nothing else would hurt her, not on his watch. She was too precious for that.

"It's too easy for you to get hurt out there," he grumbled softly, staring fixedly ahead. He had never imposed any limits on her here in the kingdom, but that twisting sensation of worry resurfaced every time he tried to imagine her lost in the rain, or confronting a stranger at the borders, or now, simply tripping and not knowing how to fall. She was so utterly helpless.

Conflict arose in him, his simple mind unsure how to resolve the unusually complex issue. If she loved Heath and Heath loved her, was it right for them to be together? Would he look after her when Jacquez could not, or would his presence cause more trouble, as it already had? This injury to her ankle was clearly Heath's fault, and could be the first in a line of many. And a man like Jacquez could not picture separating the romantic aspects from the physical side of a relationship, and how could he allow anyone to woo Ruri in to bed? His ears flicked with annoyance, still straining to make sure that the galloping horse and its rider were long gone.

"Ruri..." he sighed, grinding his teeth. How could she say she loved Heath? He would not be a big brother to her, he would be a mate - something she could hardly know much about, given the company she had grown up in. "I don't think you're old enough to have a... lover," he struggled to say without the edge of disdain. He didn't ever want that to happen, selfish as it was. It was too... unnatural. "Hush, no need to cry, the pain will go away on its own," he added quickly, trying to step as smoothly as possible as he cradled her to his chest. Her innocence was what made it alright for him to be so flippant and callous - she always fixed his mistakes, took care of things he would not. She would lose her innocence on this path. She had already been introduced to pain, something he had worked hard to shield her from. And then what would happen to him, once she evolved into something more complete than himself?


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