kill the head before the body is infected.
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    The moment Samael’s mouth opened, from the very first word, Gabriel knew what he would say. Deep in his chest that terrible growl continued, hating how the words sounding coming from a blasphemer. He hated how sick that tone was, and how vile the mockery in it stung. It was meant that the two would forever be at odds, as their names betrayed. In the end, the righteous would prevail and the wicked would be cast into fire forever, hallelujah, amen.
    Two impulses ripped Gabriel asunder. One demanded violence, but he had taken that path before with the boy. He would not succeed with bloodshed alone. “Listen to me,” he said slowly, as if Samael was a child that did not understand. “You’re only here because she wants you. But that does not mean I don’t expect you to follow orders. If you fuck up, I’ll kill you.” His amber eyes were cold, clear, and held no trace of idle threats. As far as Gabriel was concerned, Samael was Kaena’s pet. There was no humanity in him.


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