What happens next?


Ruri smiled when the stranger entered her home. When the stranger apologized for intruding, Ruri suddenly found relief that the person was a woman. Then this wolfess introduced herself and Ruri immediately nodded and replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Finn. I'm Ruri, Ruri Aceline, Majordomo and Lautari of Cour des Miracles, and you don't need to apologize. You're not intruding. In fact, I'm glad to have some company at the moment." It was true that Ruri definitely enjoyed the prospect of having someone to talk to. After last night's events she could use something to divert her attention. She heard Finn mention her ankle and immediately her half-folded ears flattened in embarrassment. "I had a bit of an accident last night, trying to chase after one of my friends. I tripped and sprained my ankle. It was stupid of me really, I have that entire trail memorized and yet I still tripped over that rock. It's the first time I've ever injured myself like this," she confessed, her blind eyes wandering in Finn's direction. It was indeed embarrassing for the blind girl to admit. She had grown up learning how to memorize where things were in the area she lived in so that she could move around and not be a burden to her friends. The one time she wasn't careful she ended up getting injured and now becoming a burden or so she thought. The slate and ivory female soon found herself shifting on the large couch to make room for the other woman. "You can come sit down if you want. I would feel bad if you had to stand while I sat here," she offered politely. Ruri had been neglecting her duties as the lautari lately. Jac had said she was supposed to help make people happy, but it seemed like all she did lately was make people concerned for her sake. She would have to work on that when she could walk again.


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