double cross her heart

well hello there...

The day had begun as an attempt at border patrol, but Mati was not one for the securing of borders. It was everyone’s job, the notion instilled in her mind by her Lt. General and ex-Commander mothers, but Mati was a slightly freer spirit. The Earthen toned female had tried, at least, and cut through the pack lands to the outline in the early morning. But by mid day she was beyond the territory and exploring the beach. It was a frightfully beautiful day, the chill of winter whisking off the ocean’s surface and there was a blue faze over the dieing lands. Purple eyes watched the landscape, taking it in with the hope of making it a painting when she returned home.

Her thoughts were justly suited for distraction, the tension in her heart weighing heavily enough that it might just break if she thought too much on it. It was confusion, thats what the yearling had decided. She simply didn’t know. There was not even a cross roads, no true choice. She felt lost in a vast dark atmosphere with no clear direction. Paws skipped over the sands, her large form moving with grace and ease. It had not been that long ago when she had fought the growth of paws and legs and wished she was small and meek. Instead she had become the large boned and bodied wolfess that nature had intended. With violet eyes the Church fae wandered, watching for the scene that would make her painting. It wasn’t until the beach framed the figure of a wolf, the indistinguishable hue of the slowly moving beast, that Mati figured it was this that she was destined to paint.

Slowly she moved closer, curious to know who it was that would be the focal point of her next piece.



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