It's a snake
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Big Grin!


Adrenaline still flowed through him for the first few moments after their retreat and he needed a moment to collect himself. He had never see anyone so close to getting hurt before. Thank god he hadn't frozen up and stalled or the boy would have snake venom flowing in him and hurting him. He didn't know if he would be so quick to act in a physical confrontation, but Haven hoped he would be. His encounter with Ezekiel had been one thing, it had gone from a civil conversation to the other coming after him in a split-second. Things would feel much different if he were trying to protect someone. He assumed so, anyway. Jade eyes looked the kid over making sure that he was, in fact, all right and he seemed to be aside from his obvious hesitance on how to react to the situation. A warm smirk came to the hybrid's face, understanding well the fear behind this posture. He had been quite the rambunctious pup himself.

"Heh, good. It's definitely not something you'll want to forget about." The Aatte had faith that the male wouldn't forget though. People hardly forgot dangerous situations involving themselves. "Most snakes won't come after you, so if you make one mad just back away and everything should be fine." They attacked out of defense, not anger. "You're welcome," Haven said, his smile growing. "I'm Haven Aatte, nice to meet you." There was something that seemed vaguely familiar about this boy, though he couldn't for the life of him figure out what it was. Maybe hearing the name would help him figure it out.


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