Life is a game for me


Since Seven had started to get the general feeling of his packlands, he thought it was a good time to go check out some other places. The weather was nice, not too cloudy, not too cold. He tried not to hink at all and just enjoy the trip. The male tried to avoid the coastline, so he traveled through northern Halifax, entranced by the remains of human architectur, then he started going west through the Shattered Coast and into Ethereal Eclipse. It took him about two days of travel, he stopped a few times to have a drink and to sleep, but it was nice to finally not have a nightmare everytime he closed his eyes.

On the third day he kept going west, admiring the wildlife and plantlife. This was much more beautiful than Phoenix Valley, it was strange that no pack claimed these lands. Come to think of it, he didn't really know how many packs there were here. He finally left the forests behind himself and entered a flat, grassy area. It held a strange scent that made him want to back away. Taking a few times to consider it, Seven realised that he was approaching packlands. The young male was afraid to go any further.

Looking around for any possible scouts, he was a little embarrased when he notice done about fifty feet away from him, lying comfortabily by a tree. He approached her quickly, not noticing that there was a horse right next to her master. Seven had seen many horses in his lifetime, so he knew that these animals were strong enough to bash his skull in with one good kick if he would manage to get one angry. So his surprise when he noticed the equid was a pretty natural thing. He stopped in his tracks, bafraid that he had startled it. Nice horsey, no need to get scared.


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