Arrival of a valkyrie
OOC: Thank you. ^^ I'm glad to know that. 400 words approximately.

The grayish-white wolf didn't mind anyone else knowing her past. It had already happened, and would keeping it secret change it? She shook her head, coming to the conclusion easily. No... But letting others know would keep them from hurting her in ignorance, and vice-versa. She looked back and glanced at the weapon on the black wolf's hip, wondered how effective it was, and weather it was easily made.. before she decided that it probably wasn't.

Her ears perked up at the sound of the other female's voice, nodding and shrugging "Might as well know... who knows, maybe might prove helpful..." she said, not believing that her past would be of much use, to the pack. She silenced herself when she saw her higher ranked packmate was about to speak. Closing her eyes, she nodded while the other talked, taking in the information the other female gave her, thinking it over carefully. "What could be done to fix her, after that long?" she thought, before realizing that she hadn't told her higher up what exactly had happened to make her barren.

She fought with herself mentally over what could be done, if anything but decided that only a healer could tell what, if anything, could help. At the mention of Ember having a sister, who specialized in the healing arts, made her open her eyes and glance towards the location the black wolf had specified. She walked along for a moment, slightly behind the other wolf, before deciding to speak. "The reason I'm barren... Is that the usurper didn't rape me just once... he did it multiple times over a period of about 20 months... my parents were just normal wolves, so I wasn't born with the ability to change... I got that after he raped me..." she sighed, unwilling to get her hopes raised, when it was most likely hopeless. "Well only a few days to my due date, I was walking along the edge of a small cliff around the nearby lake when I slipped. The landing... caused me to change... I lost the pups, and only barely survived... That happened about three months ago, and since then I haven't had period of heat..."

She shook her head questioningly "Do you think that your sister can reverse the damage from that?... if she can't I wouldn't want to bother her... A healer's time is better spent with those they can help..." Aria lowered her gaze to the ground, almost certain that her's was a lost cause.

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