one broken cog to ravage the machine.
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    Kaena often missed her own children, thinking where they might have spread, where they might have gone—how far had they all traveled? The coyote woman missed her children sorely and quite often, but at least she was secure in the knowledge that they knew where to find her if they sought her own. True, she'd been absent for quite some time, but even then, Gabriel had been here to receive his siblings and half-siblings. Gabriel had remained here to carry on the Lykois into the next generations, taking the torch from his mother and carrying it onward. For that alone, the coyote woman would always be grateful, though there were many more reasons to love her golden son. In truth, she hardly needed a reason—until he gave her a reason not to love him, as Vitium had, the hybrid would remain in her devotion.

    Though Anselm had seemed rather down when they'd first encountered each other, his mood seemed to be lifting as the conversation progressed, and for that the hybrid was glad. She considered him a friend, and she didn't like to see friends with heavy hearts, so where she could help, she would. The hybrid grinned at his words, though she didn't know why one would rewind a watch. The only kind she'd ever seen were broken modern-styled ones, the digital type that no longer displayed numbers properly. "The past is the past," she agreed with a nod. "I'll hold you to that," she said with a grin, referring of course to his assertion that he would remain here in wait for them.


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