Time to say goodbye

indent He wasn’t sure if they fell to the ground, though he thought they might have. Each snap of his teeth connected with something, giving his face a fine spray of bright red as if a mask. Around his lips a froth of pinkish-red foam glistened, and his tail was high, brush-bottled. This was instinct and training, using his weight to keep her down. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her hands come up, and felt as they slammed into his side, but he leapt away fast enough to avoid deep damage.
indent She began to scramble towards the blade, and interpreting that as a threat, Gabriel snarled and dove at her leg. His teeth clamped down with the intent to break, and he shook his head sharply, as a dog might. A beast of pure muscle, Gabriel began to drag her back. He’d drag her to the sea and drown her if that was what it took.


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