the journey begins
Firefly had been close by hunting for Ruri and Jontae when the voice broke through the silence. She snarled as the rabbit she'd patiently been stalking darted and quick as lightning Firefly sped after it. She knew that she would never catch up with the surefooted creature but she tried her damnedest. It was too long before she was out of breath and standing there with a sour mood beginning to bubble to life that she decided that it was best to go find out just who had spoiled her hunting for the day.

The silvery woman quietly slipped into the sparse woods and found the scent of the stranger once more. She'd known when the voice had chimed just what had been wanted but if she got there before Jac she could just give the newcomer her own form of greeting. Silky paws found their way nimbly through the way, the scent growing stronger until Firefly found herself right upon the scene of the crime. She was a dangerous creature when crossed, cunning, sly and not afraid to challenge the ways of the world. Today though she had other things in mind.

"I suppose you're waiting for our wonderful excuse for a king to show.. Perhaps I'll keep you company while we're waiting." her brilliant emerald orbs with their flecks of gold studied the creature before her as she wondered just what this ones story was. She figured she might as well get it out before Jac showed or he'd be more interested in finding out how to get her to warm his bones at night. "I'm Firefly, who might you be.."

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