the journey begins
Firefly was cool and collected as the stranger seemed to take her time in studying her now. She waited a brow slightly at the sound of another approaching, flicking her ears back she turned her head to be greeted by Ayita, the mother of Leroy's pups. She was silent as the woman spoke but within seconds she realized that her own reply was expected. A look of annoyance graced her face as she spoke in a rather bored tone. "Yes, it's been a while, and it seems I have shed my brilliant colors like the trees shed their leaves in light of winter. Hopefully this won't be permanent." She still wasn't impressed with the woman that Leroy had picked to replace Svara, even if it had been for a night but she didn't say anything, just kept her thoughts to herself. Perhaps oneday they would change, but today wasn't that day.

Her ears swiveled back to the silvery white woman as she cleared her throat and gave them a name to go with the face. Firefly was fixed by the bi-colored eyes for a moment before she shook her head and let go of it. This wasn't Deuce or her bastard child and she didn't like being reminded of the past but she would deal, for now. "Ataxia.. strange name.." She glanced towards her packmate a moment before she went on to ask. "Is there a story behind your appearance at our door.." She circled the woman once as she examined her, studying the lady's scent and stance before drawing on. "Any skeletons in your closet, ghosts your running from?" She paused back before the stranger as she sat down, curling her tail along her side.

Everyone had a story, she wondered if this lady's was interesting or if it was one that would put the babies to sleep in no time with pathetic day in day out lives of the humdrum. She titled her head to the side slightly as she asked one more little thing. "What brought you to the Cour de Miracles.." She didn't really care so much, she'd learn the woman's story later in better detail and see who she really was if she stayed within the pack. Just doing the regular everyday duties of finding some beggar on the border.

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