Dreams only she can understand

500+ words.

#####It had been quite a while since he had visited the massive building, so he had ambled in the direction of the old hotel that morning, curious to know if it was being used for anything. It seemed like it would be a very convenient place for others to live, but he also knew that throughout the lands were other places, as well as the town he now lived in. Vigilante was not particularly optimistic that he would find company that day, though he did not mind the idea much, as he spent far more time alone than he did with anyone else. However, for company's sake and hopes of bonding more with the blood bay stallion, he was accompanied by Nádherné, who seemed to be restless after spending so much time around the house. Truthfully, the dog mutt could not blame him for the restlessness, as he often felt similarly. It seemed that they both needed things to do with themselves, or they would surely both shut themselves in and become complete hermits.

#####A rough nudge on his shoulder reminded him that he had been walking in silence a small ways ahead of the horse, and apparently, this was not appreciated. "It's not much farther to the old hotel," he explained with a light chuckle. This seemed to placate the horse, but Vigilante did not know if this was because he actually understood, or simply because he had spoken to him. Either way, the rest of the walk was uneventful, both walking in a mutual silence. It was nice that they both seemed to have similar personalities, horse and dog man. As a result, they were able to feel comfortable in one another's presence, and silence did not seem to bother the horse much, just as it did not bother him. Only a bit of reassurance seemed even remotely necessary. They had things in common and their bond was growing each day, though he did not feel even the slightest bit confident that he would be able to ride his horse any time soon, if ever he tried it at all.

#####As the old hotel came into sight, so did an unfamiliar figure by one of the trees, a pack member he had not met thus far. Though he was not the most social creature, he did know most in the pack, whether they had been in the pack before or were now, so he could only assume that this woman was a newer member of the king's pack. It seemed only right that he would introduce himself, especially to someone who seemed so pretty from a distance, though that did not matter nearly as much as it had. Upon joining this pack, he had been determined to find a mate and have a "normal" life, his nature very flirtacious, but it seemed that his priorities had been shifting as of late, and he did not notice much the appearance so much as the being behind it.

#####Keeping the horse behind him, both out of concern that she may be startled by Nádherné and from the advice Haven had given him some time ago, Vigilante approached her, manner friendly and gait even, footsteps as silent as they always were. He offered her a smile, regarding her in the most welcoming manner he could manage. "Good day, Miss. Are you enjoying it?" he inquired curiously, almost surprised that someone else was by the old hotel this day. It was strange for him to think of the fact that he was no longer a simple basic-ranked pack member, but that he was rising in the ranks. Perhaps it was time to find himself some responsibilities within the pack. Jacquez had told him that it was not a requirement, but Vigilante did not share that sentiment. It was probably related to his former life, but he was not pleased by living here without something productive and useful to do.


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