Bouncing Here and There and Everywhere
OOC: This is pretty terrible because my muse is gone and dead, but I wanted to throw something up Smile!

This was one of the first few times that the Tirones Minor had gone exploring into the Forest of Nod. He found this part of the Clan's territory so vastly different from the rest of the land. He was used to the decidedly flat lands of Inferni. Sure, there were little hills. But whether he was taking in the sands of Hade's Beach or the Waste, he was able to see for what seemed like miles. The land and sky stretched out for long lengths. But here in the forest, he was unable to see a continuous patch of sky.

He navigated around the trees easily enough. The hybrid youth was not yet able to shift due to his age, but he was steady on his four paws. His golden eyes drank in this new and different landscape. He could already tell that there were mainly two types of trees, but he was still unfamiliar with this sort of surrounding. He planned to immerse himself within this habitat and glean all the knowledge possible. He knew that these were fertile lands for hunting. He had scented larger game among the trees, though he had yet to see any.

The Inferni youth took care to step over a root protruding from the ground. And then a foreign scent hit him. The sandy colored boy felt his hackles rise, his small, sharp white teeth exposed in his thin muzzle. He whipped his head around and began to stalk quietly through the trees. He could tell that there was an adult, and a stranger at that, within the forest. And he did not smell like the clan at all. The boy was not unwise - he knew he was too small to effectively fight off an intruder - but he could still collect information, perhaps find a weakness, and report to someone who could take care of the willful fool who had ventured upon coyote lands.

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