Bouncing Here and There and Everywhere
337. Do we want Hybrid and Mason to discuss first before Daisuke replies? (Just a suggestion!)

Hybrid had been meandering along the borders of Inferni for the last three hours and he had yet to spot any creature, be it from Inferni or not. He was beginning to wonder where everyone was; for, normally, he encountered a clanmember, or at least their scent, indicating they had been nearby. Regardless, it appeared as though everyone was wrapped up in their own business; however, Hybrid was content to go about his daily routine no matter what everyone else was doing. He knew Anselm and Kaena patrolled the borders quite often, but Hybrid wasn't sure about the other members. How far did they go to ensure their clan's safety? Most likely not far enough. The very thought of someone failing to protect Inferni enraged Hybrid.

He easily navigated his way through the clanlands, slowly venturing south through the Forest of Nod. He made his way slowly along the borders, crisscrossing back and forth every so often to ensure that he did not miss anything. Ever vigilant, Hybrid would not stand for failure, especially his own.

As Hybrid made his way farther south, he noticed an unknown scent, most likely of a trespasser or potential joiner. Hybrid began to make his way toward the scent, moving quietly and quickly through the sparsely-forested area. As he approached the unknown scent, he saw a young coyote waiting nearby. Hybrid recognized him as the youth from the Halloween party in the mansion. He hoped the child would not try to fend off the intruder himself; he might require some help. Hybrid grinned, considering the possibility. One of his duties as a Hydra of the clan was to prepare future warriors for battle. Perhaps this would be the perfect time.

"Hello, boy," Hybrid said, keeping his voice low. Now that he was closer to the Tirones Minor, he could barely make out the form of a bright yellow canine in the distance. "What is that I smell?" he asked, wondering if the boy had had the time to research the intruder.

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