Dreams only she can understand

Please keep in mind that NPCs aren't free for anyone to role play, and I should be the only one dictating Nádherné's actions. ^^; Also, I apologize that this is short. 300+ words.

#####The response he received from the stranger was not something he expected. Rather, he was actually taken aback by her reaction, though he did not show this. The dog mutt was not used to anyone being afraid of him in this area. Back home and the surrounding area, yes, his name and appearance had been known and feared. Here, however, he had been given a clean slate and while he had startled a few individuals, he had not frightened any seriously as she seemed to be. Vigilante turned quickly to look at Nádherné, but the horse did not seem to be doing anything intimidating. He was simply standing there with his usual bored expression. Soon, he would probably begin bothering his owner to begin moving again, but for now he was not doing anything in particular.

#####Still, Vigilante wrongfully assumed that it was the horse that had scared the woman, although he could not make sense of why she would say what she had in response to that. Turning his head once more to look at her, he offered her another smile, although her eyes had fallen closed after speaking. "If it is him that you are afraid of, you do not need to worry, Miss. Nádherné will not hurt you," he offered her, hoping that it might bring her some sollace in knowing that she was safe from the horse. Though he knew his horse to be safe, he also understood the potential fear that could be caused by them, as he had been incredibly wary of the beasts when he had first seen them, as well. It took some getting used to, but he did not find them at all intimidating any longer. The thought of riding them was intimidating, yes, but not their mere presence. That could be appreciated.


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