the room's on fire, she's fixing her hair
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hehehe. x3 300+ words.

######The subject of his sister was not one she enjoyed, and she almost regretted saying anything in response to his mentioning of her name. Princess was not pleased that Mati still did not like her, and she was also concerned by her brother's obvious affections for the Church girl. Ares had not seemed very confident that she might like him in return, so not only was she bothered by Mati's dislike of her, but she was also worried that Haven's sister might hurt her brother. If she had been used to thinking rationally, she may have realized that Mati's dislike stemmed from similar worries about her own brother, as would have been confirmed by Haven's words, but Princess was not fond of thinking that way. Things were very much hit and miss for her, very rarely circumstantial, and even then, very selective. Very rarely did she meet someone and then later decide they were better or worse than her initial opinion, and that was very likely because she could be overly judgemental sometimes.

######However, the subject of his sister was not as important as the pressing (literally!) matter at hand now. Despite his obvious distress, Princess giggled a bit in response, her smile warm and lacking her inhibitions. For all his worries and apologies, she could not help but feel warmed by the situation. "Haven, it's. . . It's okay. I mean, I was thinking about. . . It, too," she said quietly, not sure what would come of this conversation or the situation she had put them in together. "And I, well, I wanted to look good for you. . . Sexy, too, I think," she added. Her choice in an extra dress had not been purely innocent, as she knew that it was unlike the rest of her dresses in that it could be seen through. She considered herself a lovely sight in a regular dress, and her beauty would surely only be magnified by a dress that could be seen through. Though it might have helped the situation to move, Princess remained where she was, straddling his lap, though one of her hands now lifted to rest on one of his if he did not move to avoid the touch.

Table by Rust!


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