A meeting by chance

Doobeedoobeedoooo... slightly rambly speech, but it works.
Word Count: 475. Worth 2 points.

Hanna was pleased. The young man had stayed, had interacted with her. She had been slightly worried he would run off, that she would not have made a good impression, that something would go wrong. The only thing that went slightly awry was his query about why she did not live in Dahlia now. It was not so much she was ashamed of her past; not even the triple scars across her snout that so bluntly told of her trespassing shamed her. They were what they were. The question in her mind was not what to tell. It was where to start.

She grunted when she came up with a satisfactory answer, or what she thought was one. "Hmm. Dahlia... was a great pack, when first I lived here. I should say, when I helped found it, along with Cer, Slay, Mew, and my sister Colibri." There was no evidence of boasting; the woman was giving the facts. "Before I knew it, though, the pack became.. well, it didn't feel like home anymore. So I ran." Yes, she'd run to the mountains, lived there with only Tobias' company. It had only been a couple months, but it felt like an eternity.

"I came back early the next year, but I informed Cer that I could not rejoin the pack, and why. I lived close, though, in a cabin where three territories came together; it's since been absorbed into the pack. While I was there, I helped Dahlia by healing people." She glossed over the topic of Svara. That had been a good mistake, something that was supposed to turn out for the better but had ended up a disaster. Pointing to her snout, Hanna half-smiled. "I got these after several forays in and out, chasing a loner to keep him safe. Haku found us." Little did she know who was standing in front of her.

The medic fell quiet, then, listening to the lavender-eyed boy speak further. She could not help but wonder where he had learned to read, whether his parents had taught him or if he had had tutelage under someone else. "Books are a great place to start. I did most of my early learning by simply trying things on myself." Of course, that wasn't always a great way to do things. She could have been hurt by some of the things she had done. The young man went on and explained what he had learned so far. It was, as she had said, a great start. He seemed deep in thought, and then spoke again, admitting that he had not thought about it because there was no healer to learn from.

A momentary pang of guilt, for it was her fault still yet that there was not, and then she spoke once more. "I could teach you... if you'd be interested."


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