burning beacon in the night
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... mbiban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
She's so ascared ;.; 300+

Her slender form shivered in pent up distress and relief and she hugged her cousin close. Oh, she was so thankful that he had been out here. Conor would help her and she knew that he wouldn't leave her alone out here. He understood how scary it could be away from your home at night, she had seen it in his eyes when he had last visited her. Together they would get through it though. Even if he would rather go to Dahlia de Mai instead of Crimson Dreams she wouldn't care. Just as long as she wasn't on her own in this creepy forest anymore. As he apologized for scaring her she shook her head from left to right vigorously. "No, no it's okay. I'm just glad it was you, that you're here." She knew that he hadn't meant to scare her anyway, Conor wasn't mean like that. Maybe she would have thought that after the first time they met, but he had apologized later and she knew that he wasn't like that at all. He was a very sweet and kind boy.

Gradually as he patted her back and told her that it was okay her heartbeat slowed back to a normal pace. She nodded against his shoulder, but for the moment was still unwilling to break the embrace. The girl needed that closeness to help her calm down. She drew deep breaths into her lungs and finally the tears began to stop and she felt better. Slowly Cambria pulled away from Conor and wiped her eyes and face. A small, weak smile came to her face. "Thanks Conor..." She was so lucky he had come along and she was truly in his debt. Hopefully one day she could repay him for coming to her rescue on this night.

Her gaze turned back down to look at those strange hands and the rest of her new body. It all looked so strange and felt strange too. Suddenly a wave of embarrassment washed over her and her cheeks burned red underneath her fur. She had no idea what she really looked like and that made her incredibly self conscious. She wished she could wrap herself up in a blanket and hide her appearance, she probably looked as weird as she felt.


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